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A 12 Year Old Content Genius.

The marketing executive plans everything…

From the script, the editing, keyword research and even making sure brand guidelines are met.

Social media isn’t a formula.

Companies are trying too hard... just create authentic content.

white line startup illustration

People relate to real messages… no one cares for content that is dull but looks perfect.

Stop making your team jump through so many steps and hoops to create content.

It just doesn’t work.

And streamlining your social media process is just going to kill your views.

See the 12-year-old doesn’t think about data, systems, or processes… they just think, “Oh this is cool, let me post it”.

While the 40-year-old executive, wants to have meetings to go over ideas, then has a copywriter script it, and then brings in actors and videographers to help create the content.

Social media marketing isn’t that complex. Think like a kid, not an adult and you’ll do better.